The evergoing number of electrical & electronic products, as well as the widespread use of Modern house appliances by every family
标签: electrical electronic widespread evergoing
上传时间: 2014-01-10
Computer System Simulation of Modern communication system
标签: communication Simulation Computer System
上传时间: 2013-12-21
This is ebook of Modern Digital Design.(VHDL)
标签: Digital Modern Design ebook
上传时间: 2013-12-13
A Tutorial on Principal Component Analysis.Principal component analysis (PCA) is a mainstay of Modern data analysis - a black box that is widely used but poorly understood. The goal of this paper is to dispel the magic behind this black box.
标签: Principal Component component Tutorial
上传时间: 2016-04-14
The book presents a historical background of past and present guided missile systems and the evolution of Modern weapons,discusses the generalized missile equations of motion, aerodynamic forces and coefficients, the important subject of the various types of tactical guidance laws and/or techniques, weapon delivery systems and techniques,strategic missiles and cruise missile theory and design.
标签: background historical and presents
上传时间: 2017-08-14
In the preparation of this book, our objective was to provide an advanced understanding of emerging telecommunications systems, their significance, and the anticipated role these systems will play in the future. With the help of our talented associated editors and contributors, we believe we have accomplished this. By addressing voice, Internet, traffic management, and future trends, we feel our readers will be knowledgeable about current and future telecommunications systems.
标签: CRC Handbook of Modern Telecommunications
上传时间: 2020-05-27
Abstract: A digital RF modulator, an integrated solution that satisfies stringent DOCSIS RF-performancerequirements, takes advantage of Modern technologies like high-performance wideband digital-to-analogconversion and CMOS technology scaling. This application note describes the concept and advantages ofa digital quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) modulator that uses the direct-RF architecture to enablea cable access platform (CCAP) system.
上传时间: 2013-10-20
传感器技术作为信息科学的一个重要分支,与计算机技术、自动控制技术和通信技术等一起构成了信息技术的完整学科。在人类进入信息时代的今天,人们的一切社会活动都是以信息获取与信息转换为中心,传感器作为信息获取与信息转换的重要手段,是信息科学最前端的一个阵地,是实现信息化的基础技术之一。 “没有传感器就没有现代科学技术”的观点已为全世界所公认。以传感器为核心的检测系统就像神经和感官一样,源源不断地向人类提供宏观与微观世界的种种信息,成为人们认识自然、改造自然的有力工具。 传感器原理及应用全书分为十个章结: 1、传感器的基本特性 2、各类传统与新型传感器的工作原理与应用 (1)应变式传感器 (2)电感式传感器 (3)电容式传感器 (4)压电式传感器 (5)磁电式传感器 (6)光电式传感器 (7)半导体式传感器 (8)波与辐射式传感器 (9)数字式传感器(自学) (10)智能式传感器(自学) 课程教材 1.郁有文等编著,传感器原理及工程应用,西安科技大学出版社,2008 2.沈跃、杨喜峰编,物理实验教程—智能检测技术实验,中国石油大学出版社,2010 课程参考书 1. 传感器与检测技术,胡向东等编著,机械工业出版社,2009 2. 传感器原理及应用,王化祥编著,天津大学出版社,2007 3. 传感技术与应用教程,张洪润等编著,清华大学出版社,2009 4. 传感器原理及应用(项目式教学),于彤编著,机械工业出版社,2008 5. 传感器与测试技术,叶湘滨等编著,国防工业出版社,2007 6. 传感器与检测技术,陈杰、黄鸿编著,高等教育出版社,2003 7. Handbook of Modern Sensors(3rd Edition),Jacob Fraden,Springer-Verlag,Inc.,2004 课程性质 课程属于专业基础课,在专业人才培养中具有提高学生相关专业基础理论的认知能力、增强学生从事传感与检测技术研究与应用工作的适应能力和开发创新能力的作用。 研究对象 传感器技术的基本概念和理论、常用传感器的工作原理和应用技术。 学习目的与要求 (1)建立传感器技术的整体概念; (2)掌握传感器技术的基本理论、常用传感器的工作原理和应用技术; (3)获得应用传感器设计、组建测控系统的基本技能; (4)培养学生进一步学习、研究和应用传感器技术的兴趣; (5)为学习后续课程和独力解决实际问题打下必要的基础。 主要考核目标(包括重点及难点) (1)掌握传感器的基本概念和基本特性; (2)掌握常用传感器的工作原理(实验方法); (3)掌握常用传感器的基本应用(实验技术); (4)了解应用传感器设计、组建测控系统的基本方法; (5)了解传感器技术的发展前沿和趋势。 重点:传感器的工作原理 难点:传感器的应用技术; 内容涉及知识面广,理论性、综合性和实践性强。
上传时间: 2013-11-13
Abstract: The reality of Modern, small form-factor ceramic capacitors is a good reminder to always readthe data sheet. This tutorial explains how ceramic capacitor type designations, such as X7R and Y5V,imply nothing about voltage coefficients. Engineers must check the data to know, really know, how aspecific capacitor will perform under voltage.
上传时间: 2013-11-04
During the past two decades, technological development related to telecommuni- cation technologies has allowed organizations of all types and size to be able to de- velop effective networking applications in support of information management. Fur- thermore, telecommunication technologies combined with computer technology have created the foundation of Modern information technology which has affected all as- pects of societal and organizational functions in our modern world.
标签: Telecommunications Cases on
上传时间: 2020-05-26